Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Quiet Day

Still no call from FPL confirming or denying my status. It is getting to the point where I will have to start assuming that I won't get the position because the last day to get a discount on renewing my lease is tomorrow.

I spent the day debugging my program and found a possible problem. I don't think I am computing the joint expectations correctly; while I don't have a solution yet, this at least narrows the search of my problem. I also discovered several other careless errors in my program. I have re-vised my estimates several times but I believe this should be the last of it.

I spend a decent amount of time examining my students grades in the class; I will spend the first part of tomorrow going over their standing in the class and I might finish my lecture for the semester tomorrow. My students keep asking me when the final is and I keep telling them the university decides that stuff. Truth is, I don't have a clue; I don't care to look at the stuff until the week before finals. The one time I did take the time to alert my class at the beginning of the semester, I accidentally looked up the wrong time. Thankfully a student double checked the correct time and sent me an email.

I went to go see congressman Allen Boyd yesterday; he's a really down to earth guy. Fortunately, few people showed up and I actually got to have a 5 minute conversation with him, it went something like this:

Boyd: He how are you, my name is Allen Boyd?
Me: Yes, I just looked you up on wikipedia
Boyd: O really, what did they have to say about me
Me: That you're a Blue Dog
Boyd: haha...we'll you don't have anything against blue dog's do you?
Me: No, I think that shows a streak of independence, I'm actually a libertarian.
Boyd: Really?
Me: Well I like to say libertarian in theory, democrat in practice
Boyd: I guess George Bush bought alot of you guys to our side huh?
Me: Haha Yea
Boyd: Well sound like you might be a Blue Dog too!

He spoke about the bailout for about half and hour and opened the floor for questions. I really like his answers on guns and healthcare.

One guns he basically said that the only time some people who live in miami and new york see a gun is when it is used in a crime. In rural areas guns are mostly used for hunting which is why there is always this divide on this subject.

On healthcare, he actually gave some good arguments for not rushing to a single payer system. Since all doctors would essentially be paid and regulated by the government, there are bound to be inefficiencies created.

I'm glad I went, I see why it's important for politicians to go out and mingle with the people; He seems like a decent and thought guy and I'd probably vote for him next go around.

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