Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bad news

My computer adapters is starting to have the same problems my old computer had. I knew I should have taken out the warranty! I have never really liked this computer but I bought it to just get some work done without really looking into the specs. Shortly after purchasing it a knob fell off one of the keys and I almost lost another one as well.

I will probably go out an buy another laptop, this time paying more attention to the specs and obtaining at least a two year warranty. I went back to best buy to look at laptops but I think I might get one from walmart. Their 2 year warranty is under $100 while Best Buy's is $300.

I took some time off from look yesterday afternoon as I've been feeling pressure behind my left eye and I figured I needed a break. I went to borders and tried to buy a book with my credit card only to have it get declined. Apparently, credit card companies have been deactivation cards that are not being used and have zero balance. Luckily I had cash on me so I still bought the book.

I finished cleaning my room and trashing lots of things, and bought old clothes and shoes to goodwill. I also did a substantial amount of laundry and vacuumed. Once I was satisfied with the condition of my room I ate and starting reading my book. It is very rare for a book to engross me anymore. Any books I read I usually highly technical in nature. The last book I read for entertainment was about the Supreme Court Justices which is relatively less technical but not fiction reading.

The only fiction books I can even recall enjoying were the Dan Brown novels. I am anticipating the release of his latest book in the fall. Anyhow, I am reading a book about a missionaries experience living with the pihara tribe in the amazon jungle. This is the second time I have read a book about someone documenting their experiences with a tribal community. I believe the anthropologists in me finds it intriguing how some cultures have no concept of numbers, to them you either have one thing or many things. They don't even have a real concept of color. The interesting thing is that the missionary went there to convert the people to christianity and ended up realizing that their perception of reality was so different than his european understanding of life and death. I have only read the first few chapters but so far it's captured my interest.

Actually I did just finish reading another book about a black brain surgeon Keith Black. The book was interesting because he dealt alot with people given months to live. One thing that stuck with me is that he notices that people can actually live a full life in a few months; most of us never get around to this because we are so busy with life and expect to have so much more time to live in the future. It made me think about how my life would change if I were diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and only given a few months to live. It also made me want to live healthier!

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