Sunday, April 5, 2009

Enjoyable Weekend

This weekends was one of the better weekends that I can remember me having in Tallahassee in quite some time. It is sunday afternnon and I haven't done any research, nor prepared for my class next week; and I still don't feel rushed to do so.

One great thing about my schedule this semester is that monday is practically a free day for me to get a manageable amount of work done. And so while I wouldn't mind getting a few things done this weekend, I'm sure I can push it all to monday.

I ended up going out on Friday with a couple of friends; and had a pretty enjoyable time, which is something that doesn't happen often. As I get older, I find the nightlife in Tallahassee to be a much younger crowd than I prefer to hang around; plus I have a preference for spots that play alot of reggae music and that just isn't a popular form here. Fortunately there was about 30-45 minutes played on the night we went out.

I went to the department picnic saturday around noon; due to the lack of sleep I had form the night before and a game of soccer at Tom Brown park I was very tired when I got back. I practically slept the rest of the afternnoon. I am still in bed right now; I only plan to do work which I can do on my laptop anyhow; there are couple of thing I would like to attempt to do at some point today:

1. Start thinking about a revised version of my student's final project. I already have a template made, I just want to structure it a bit more.
2. Finish the essay part of my application that is due on April 15. There is a weeklong program this summer for graduate students to work on a team solving industrial problems for several companies. I think it would be an excellent way to get a foot in the door for possible employment if FPL doesnt work out; which I should here something about this week.

One reason I am not attempting new things with my research is that I feel as if I can gone quite a while without getting feedback from my advisor. Often when I do this I end up missing crucial things I did not see before which would have saved me a lot of meaningless pursuits. So I am being patient and will wait until tomorrow to discuss my progress and remaining issues.

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