Friday, June 19, 2009

What a week....

Well to add on to any increasingly bad week, I just found out that my first paper was rejected by Econometrica. "Due to lack of innovation for this journal" and "insufficient citation of this journal" among other things. Honestly I would have been pleasantly surprised if it had been accepted due to the prestige of the journal; still that does sorta burn anyway to be rejected.

I am running out of options as far as this loan process goes and at this point I have accepted and am willing to take my losses and walk away from the deal if any more money or crazy requirement are needed. The biggest mistake I think I made was not doing more research into lenders and getting clear answers from them. For some odd reason I thought that they would give me honest answers, but whatever. I'm alive, healthy and doing okay; they can't take that away from me.

I am hoping to finish a rough draft of my talk today. I will have about 60 some slides to work with. This is good because I plan on cutting the size by 10-15 slides for an approximately hour long talk.

The grad students met with a retired faculty member today who spent an hour an a half discussing with us some issues that arise in consulting and pretty much a feel good pep talk. One particular thing he said that I like was that:

1. Everything that occurs in life occurs according to some processes
2. Processes always have some variability (time, length,...)
3. A statistician job is to be able to describe and understand the variability.

I think that's a good way to explain the applicability of statistics to a non practitioner; also, it helps a statistician better organize his approach to a consultation.

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